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How much storage do I need?

Nelly’s Security is one channel I’ve began to watch more often since security camera installation is a part of my everyday life. It never hurts to hear or take tips from other professionals in the industry. Nelly’s Security established a YouTube channel a handful of years back and has almost 27,000 subscribers to date. As a company Nelly’s Security specializes in video surveillance and home automation. When I am bidding a job for a potential customer, this question comes up quite often. How much space do I need for security cameras? There are many factors to consider when answering this question. Since my work is custom to each client, my simple approach to this is by asking the customer who many days they would feel comfortable having stored. From here there beings more factors such as does their budget support the amount of store they are wanting to have on hand. This video provides a short answer for those who are asking. It also dives deeper into a longer answer for those who consider themselves technically inclined.

For anyone who has ever thought about this, here’s your answer! Enjoy!


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